Spring 1 Gallery

Evil pea returns ... Something terrible has happened in the classroom and we knew who was to blame! We discovered a crime scene but also found some clues leading to the small green culprit. Lots of activities to help trap the pea then followed. Luckily, we were as successful as ever and he's back in the freezer where he belongs ... or is he?
The storm got in the way of some of our garden birdwatching plans but we still managed to find time to invite Liz Charman from the RSPB in to teach us about the importance of looking after birds that we find in our gardens. We identified different bird song, examined feathers closely and made our own feeders to encourage more visitors!
STEM fortnight is back.... the pirates have run ashore and have tasked us with a challenge. We need to design and build a boat that will store as much treasure as possible. Mini challenges along the way have included investigating which materials float or sink, which materials are waterproof or not. Following that the children will then choose the most appropriate to make their boat!
We love sharing our lunches with our families!
As part of our learning in RE, we visited St James' Church to hold a Christening. Before attending we made checklists of the different things we might find in church. We spent the morning celebrating baby Rosie Ella being welcomed into God's family. Thank you to Reverend Diana for taking the time to lead this celebration for us.